Facade of the ancient City Hall of Mulhouse (16th Century)

Main Sponsors


Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine

SEPTEMBER 24 - 26, 2007

organized by:    
Institut de Recherche en Hématologie
et Transplantation de Mulhouse
Université de Haute-Alsace

Invited Speakers Abstracts

Regular Participants Abstracts

Call for Abstracts

Organizing Committee:
B. Durand, PhD
Ecole Nationale Supérieure
des Industries Textiles
de Mulhouse
F. Heim, PhD
Ecole Nationale Supérieure
des Industries Textiles
de Mulhouse
S. Neunlist, PhD
Laboratoire de Chimie Orga-
nique et Bio-organique,
Directeur de l’Ecole Nationale
Supérieure de Chimie
de Mulhouse
V. Rimelen, PhD
Centre Hospitalier
de Mulhouse


In function of the tissues concerned by their research, the scientific communities devoting themselves to biomaterials or to research on stem cells used to progress in their own fields without ever meeting each other. As an example, researchers interested in hematopoiesis or treatment of cardiac diseases rarely meet researchers developing tissue engineering strategies for the treatment of musculoskeletal or more generally connective tissues diseases. However, it can be foreseen that both disciplines, seemingly far from one another, will nevertheless be soon implied in most therapeutic indications being addressed as "Regenerative Medicine". We therefore find it appropriate and the right time to gather members of these scientific communities in order to incite them to communicate, and especially work together to build the future.

The ambitious goal of this symposium, geographically located in the centre part of Europe, aspires to concentrate equally over 3 days researchers coming from these various horizons and concerned with basic as well as clinical research. Even if some of the sessions will be specific, most of them will be organized according to main themes (blood, vascular, cardiac, bone…) and will therefore mix both cellular and biomaterial scientists.

We hope that this kind of brain storming meeting will, at short term, lead to fructuous collaborations and contribute to a rapid development of Regenerative Medicine, which in our mind is a real conceptual revolution in the therapeutic approach of many diseases incurable to this day.


  • Adult Stem Cells (hematopoietic, non hematopoietic, mesenchymal) / Cell plasticity
  • Growth factors
  • Scaffolds (ceramics, polymers, biologically-derived materials)
  • Cellular and tissular biotechnics
  • Bacterial Biofilms
  • Cell and tissue engineering applications in various fields:
    • Blood cells
    • Cardio-vascular
    • Bone / Cartilage
    • Tendons / Intervertebral discs
    • Diabetes Mellitus
    • Liver
    • Skin
    • Ophtalmology
    • Neurology

Extended deadline for abstract submission: August 13, 2007.
How to submit your abstract - instruction (file in MS Word)
  • Please expect confirmation of your submission - by e-mail.
  • Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to present their work at the conference.
  • Both oral communications and poster sessions will be scheduled depending on the abstract reviewing decision of the Scientific Committee. All instructions concerning slide projection and poster presentation will be forwarded to the first author when he/she will be informed of the type of communication accepted.
  • Acceptation will be definitive only after settlement of Registration fees.

2nd Announcement

Symposium Co-Chair:
Ph. Henon, MD
Directeur de l’Institut de Recherche
en Hématologie et Transplantation
Hôpital du Hasenrain
87, avenue d’Altkirch
68100 MULHOUSE, France
Phone: + 33 (0)3 89 64 74 18
Fax: + 33 (0)3 89 64 78 87
e-mail: henonp@ch-mulhouse.fr
Symposium Co-Chair:
K. Anselme, PhD
Université de Haute-Alsace
Institut de Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces
15, rue Jean Starcky, B.P. 2488
68057 MULHOUSE Cedex, France
Phone: +33 (0)3 89 60 87 00
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 60 87 99
e-mail: karine.anselme@uha.fr

Questions - should be sent to secr-irht@ch-mulhouse.fr

Last modified: October 10, 2007 (hsovalat@yahoo.fr)