Facade of the ancient City Hall of Mulhouse (16th Century)

Main Sponsors


Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine

SEPTEMBER 24 - 26, 2007

organized by:    
Institut de Recherche en Hématologie
et Transplantation de Mulhouse
Université de Haute-Alsace


If you intend to participate, please fill up below On-line Registration Form at your earliest convenience.

On-line Registration Form
(if you have a problem to open "On-line Registration Form", please use this file).

Registration will not be confirmed until receipt of payment

Confirmation of Registration: Only completed registration forms and payments reaching Administrative Secretariat before September 9, 2007 will be confirmed either by e-mail, fax or mail. Past this delay, your registration will be recorded but not confirmed, proof of your payment will be requested upon your arrival on site. If not, full payment will be required on site.

Payment - Registration Fees

Early registration
until July 31, 2007
Late registration
from August 1, 2007
On site
Full meeting 1 day
300 Euro
400 Euro
420 Euro
150 Euro
Student / Post doc
150 Euro
200 Euro
210 Euro
75 Euro
please feel up following form, obligatory the certification for Trainee status
Accompanying person
110 Euro
130 Euro
admission fees, 3 lunches, and Gala Dinner, sessions not included

Gala Dinner only - 50 Euro

Payment in EURO, should be made either by a Credit Card, by a check, or by a bank transfer:

        Cancellation Policy

All cancellation request must be received in writing before September 9, 2007.
Fax (+33 03 89 64 78 87), mail or e-mail (secr-irht@ch-mulhouse.fr) your request to the Administrative Secretariat:
         Institut de Recherche en Hématologie et Transplantations
         Hôpital du Hasenrain
         87 avenue d’Altkirch
         68051 Mulhouse Cedex – France
         Phone : +33 03 89 64 74 18
Full refunds, less a 50 Euros processing fee, will be made for all requests received before September 9, 2007. Refunds are not processed until after the conference. Substitutions are always accepted. If you have any registration questions, please call the Administrative Secretariat or send e-mail.

Liability and Insurance: The organizers cannot accept any liability for personal accidents, loss or damage of the private property of participants during the Conference. The participation fee does not include any form of insurance. Conference participants are therefore responsible for making their own insurance arrangements.

Questions - should be sent to secr-irht@ch-mulhouse.fr

Last modified: May 21, 2007 (hsovalat@yahoo.fr)